(407) 880-8977
Other Services
Residential Services
Employment Application
If you're interested in joining our team, please fill out the
application below.
Full Name *
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Current Address *
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Have you lived at this address for at least 3 years *
Employment Desired *
Part Time
Full Time
The primary reason I desire this position is because... *
Please select
I like/need the evening/weekend schedule
I like/need a daytime schedule (I can't work evenings)
I am looking for a different job/career
I already have a day job but I'm looking to supplement my income
I am retired and looking to stay busy
I'm in school but looking for a Summer job
The secondary reason I desire this position because... *
Please select
I like/need the evening/weekend schedule
I like/need a daytime schedule (I can't work evenings)
I am looking for a different job/career
I already have a day job but I'm looking to supplement my income
I am retired and looking to stay busy
I'm in school but looking for a Summer job
Describe for us your past electrical experience *
Hours Per Week Desired *
Please select
10-15 hours per week
I'm currently unemployed and need the work15-20 hours per week
20-25 hours per week
25-30 hours per week
30-35 hours per week
I'm looking for a minimum of 40 hours per week
Available Start Date *
Social Security Number *
Date of Birth (For background purposes only) *
Current employer (name of company) OR if currently unemployed, who was your last employer (company name & location) *
Name of contact person for current or previous employer *
First Name
Last Name
Current or previous employer phone number *
Reason for leaving *
Résumé *
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