Have you noticed that an electrical outlet in your home is feeling warm to touch when you are using an appliance or after you unplug your electronics? Does it stay warm even when it is not in use? Whenever an electrical outlet is hot, it is an indication that there is an issue with the electrical outlet which needs to be fixed as soon as possible. Here are some common reasons why electrical outlets feel hot.
Small appliances like phone chargers, cameras, game consoles and others make use of transformers to convert one form of power to another. This process warms up the outlet as a result. If you notice that your power outlet is warm, you should unplug everything on it for about an hour and check again. If it doesn’t fall back to room temperature, then there is definitely a problem with that outlet. Whenever an outlet is also cracked, chipped or has suffered some physical damage, chances are it will not work as well as it should and could overheat.
An outlet could become hot if there are too many devices plugged into it. An example is using a blow dryer and a microwave on the same outlet could make the circuit get tripped off. Once the fuse gets blown, chances are it would begin to heat up over time. Using faulty electrical extension chords also could contribute to a circuit having more appliances plugged in than it is rated to power. The more appliances and electronics you have in your home, the more likely that your outlets will get overloaded.
If the current being supplied into your home through the electrical box is too much, your outlets will be warm even when there is nothing plugged into them. It is standard practice that at least one electrical outlet in the room to be put on different circuits. This is because it is easier to make the load get distributed even better than when everything is on the same circuit and more prone to overheating.
Electrical fires are easy to avoid if you know what to look out for and take simple precautions. A hot electrical outlet is a disaster waiting to happen. Call Spectrum Electric Inc if you have electrical issues that need an electrical contractor in Orlando FL. Contact us today or send an email to book a free consultation.